Master’s thesis

The Master’s Thesis (TFM) is one of the compulsory subjects included in the curriculum of the Master in Forest Engineering at the University of Lleida. It consists of an original work, which is developed under the supervision of one or two tutors, and is presented before a university tribunal. It can consist of a technical project, study, planning document or work in which the competencies acquired in the Master’s teachings are synthesized and applied.

The TFM involves a dedication on the part of the student of 12 ECTS credits, each credit equivalent to a dedication of 25 hours. The theme of the TFM can be proposed by the student, a professor, a department or research group, or arise within the framework of university-business educational collaboration agreements, or from the mobility programs offered by the UdL.

You can consult here the regulations governing the TFM of the Master’s in Forest Engineering from the 2023/24 academic year:


Deadlines for the Proposal, Deposit, and Defense of the Master’s Thesis

The deadlines for the Proposal, Deposit, and Defense of the Master’s Thesis are as follows:

  • Proposal submission: until June 30, 2024.
  • Deposit of the final document and conformity sheet: until September 12, 2024.*
  • Defense of the thesis: until October 1, 2024*

*Please note that at least 12 working days must elapse between the deposit and the defense.

Find how to submit documents for your Master's Thesis defence